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Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty, also known as Nose Job, is one of the most preferred plastic surgeries. Thanks to the advances in medicine and development of new methods, nose surgery is one of the operations that gives the best results.

Rhinoplasty should be performed by considering all the nasal deformities as one. The structures in the nose are connected to each other and one deformity reflects to the others. A rhinoplasty surgery that is performed to fix only one deformity may cause other deformities to become more obvious and perhaps worsen. Therefore, the internal and external sides of nose should be evaluated as a whole, and surgical treatment should be performed in the same session.

For example, a curvature outside the nose is related to the curvature in the cartilage which is called the septum. In such a patient, “septorinoplasty and nasal concha surgery” should be performed in the same session. As a matter of fact, correcting the external curvature by itself is not possible without correcting the septum inside the nose. The improvement of the septum in the nose allows the patient to breathe more easily after the operation.

How is Rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty surgery is mostly performed under general anesthesia. In simple rhinoplasty interventions that only require small touches, local anesthesia can be preferred according to the surgeon’s preference. While the operation takes an average of 2.5 hours, a rhinoplasty operation usually takes a whole day with preoperative preparations and post-operative protocol and observation period. The first night of your stay in the hospital is important for your comfort. There are 2 different nosejob techniques which are widely preferred.

  • Open Rhinoplasty: In the nasal part called ‘columella’, which divides the nostrils from the middle, an incision is made through which the tissues inside are intervened and septoplasty or rhinoplasty surgery is performed.
  • Closed Rhinoplasty: In this technique, the incisions are made from the inside of the nose. Therefore, no incision or suture can be seen from outside. Nose cartilages and nasal back are reached through these nasal incisions. The necessary cartilage and bone re-shapings are made by working completely inside the nose.